Wednesday, August 7, 2024

What LOVE truly is

 Psalm 143:8

King James Version

8 Cause me to hear 

thy lovingkindness in the morning; 

for in thee do I trust: 

cause me to know the way 

wherein I should walk; 

for I lift up my soul unto thee.

I had no idea any more blogs were forthcoming.

But no, the HOLY SPIRIT had other ideas.

He inspired me to create this 107th blog.

Nearly three months after the last one.

What better blog, than on LOVE?

What is love?

What is true love?

How must we love?

What is the highest form of love?

Being born again, I'm tasked to search Scripture.

And to share with you what SPIRIT taught me.

Every command JESUS gave.

Every command GOD had.

And it all started because I was writing an article for another blog.

As I started early this morning, other ideas came forth.

That post kept giving "birth" to other titles.

I knew then it needed to be a series.

There was much material on love.

Who am I to stop SPIRIT?

1 Thessalonians 5:19

King James Version

19 Quench not the Spirit.

May you find your peace, love, and joy in this new blog.

No ONE could equip us better than GOD.

Through JESUS, the HOLY SPIRIT, and Scripture.

Set aside "things" of the world now.

We are treading holy ground.

Exodus 3:5

King James Version

5 And he said, 

Draw not nigh hither: 

put off thy shoes from off thy feet, 

for the place whereon thou standest 

is holy ground.

Let's start with how GOD loves.

That's always the best foundation.

Click here to read that post.

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2024 articles



LOVING others

LOVING each other

  JESUS said : John 15:12 King James Version 12 This is my commandment,  That ye love one another,  as I have loved you . Do you long for lo...